Independent SME
Skills for Care Endorsed
Current Projects
NHS England Fellowships Programme
A £1.2m scheme supporting GPs & Nurses with portfolio working.
Primary Care Retention scheme, funded until March 2026.
1-2-1 Business Support
1-2-1 Business support, fully funded for Herefordshire businesses.
Funded by UKSPF.
Unpaid Carers Training Project
Supporting unpaid carers through provision of basic training, delivered together with SWL Carer Hubs and VCSE partners
Community Upskilling & Job Readiness Project
Supporting job readiness & employability in health & care. Delivered together with SWL voluntary & community organisations
NHS Self-Management App
Supporting patients manage their long-term conditions. A pilot project implementing the GetUBetter mobile app across South West London.
Coaching Programme
Fully funded 1.1 coaching with one of our ILM trained coaches.
Falls Prevention Training in SWL Care Homes
NHS funded training for South West London Care Homes
Communication & Interaction Training (CAIT)
Training supporting 'dementia literacy' covering the micro-skills involved in providing good dementia care and managing behaviours that challenge.
Pentathlon Programme
A licenced programme for staff and community workers supporting Health & Wellbeing across 5 areas.
Care Home Research
Working together with the University of Roehampton to develop new products and services.
Development of tools & resources to for Primary Care clinicians to help support patients 2 or more long-term health conditions.
Infection Prevention & Control
A commissioned programme for SWL Care Homes to promote understanding of infections and reducing transmissions.